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The DadPad®

The Essential Guide for New Dads

The DadPad was developed with the NHS and gives new dads and dads-to-be the knowledge and practical skills necessary to support themselves and their partner, so that babies get the best start in life.

  • Reduce your anxiety by getting involved and gaining in confidence
  • Learn how to create a strong bond and healthy attachment with your baby
  • Build stronger family relationships by sharing the load and learning how to parent together
  • Recognise the signs of postnatal depression, and other common forms of mental ill-health, in both yourself and your partner, and learn how to get help early

£12.00Buy Now

Why do I need this?

As a new dad, it’s common to feel excited – but also left out, unsure or overwhelmed. The team at DadPad recognise the importance – to the whole family – of providing you with bespoke information on the practical skills and essentials that you will need to become more confident in your new role. This will help you to not only feel included and involved as a parent, but also to become an active and engaged co-parent, alongside your baby’s mum.

As an ally to your partner, you’ll be best placed (and now sufficiently well-informed) to be able to spot any potential issues within your family unit, and to know the steps to take to resolve these. Knowledge of the roles played by health professionals will also help you feel confident to seek and welcome their advice and support when necessary.

What topics does it cover?

Health Visitor Team
Changing nappies
Getting to know your baby
First aid
Child development and milestones
Supporting each other
Looking after yourself
Legal information
Parenting advice and support

Who is the DadPad for?

The DadPad is for all fathers who want to give their baby the very best start in life. Whether you are about to become a first-time dad, or want to ensure that you can still cover all the bases with a new addition to the family, the DadPad is the low-cost, high-value resource that you will want to have within arm’s reach at all times.

When should DadPad be used?

The DadPad is best utilised as early as possible during pregnancy, around birth and beyond, as it provides guidance relating to babies and children up to the age of two years. It’s particularly useful to have during paternity leave.


Want us to start a conversation with us about possibly buying DadPad for your area?

If you’re involved in providing support to new families during the perinatal period and would like to find out more about possibly ordering the DadPad in bulk to supplement this work…

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Ask DadPad Labour & Birth Mental Health
Author name | 21st July 2023
Ask DadPad Labour & Birth Mental Health
Author name | 21st July 2023
Ask DadPad Labour & Birth Mental Health
Author name | 21st July 2023