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About Us

Inspire Cornwall CIC – the company behind DadPad 
and the Co-ParentPad – are a social enterprise, with no shareholders, putting feedback and profits back into our products, for the benefit of all new families.

Our ethos and aims

Evidence-based research demonstrates that positive parenting by dads has a significant impact on the family dynamic.

Despite this, efforts to inform, engage and empower new dads have historically been underwhelming and sporadic.

We want to change this. We want babies, children and their families to have the benefit of an engaged dad who has formed a secure and positive attachment to his children, who has been able to support his partner both practically and emotionally (and, of course, vice versa) throughout the parenthood journey, and who has developed a healthy awareness of both his own and his partner’s mental health through it all, knowing how, when and where to go to seek help. We want to see parents interacting openly and honestly with the health professionals surrounding the family, and for those health professionals to view mum and dad as equal parenting partners.

To achieve all this, we know that dad needs to receive information that is aimed specifically at him (hence ‘DadPad’ rather than, say, ‘ParentPad’), and we know that he needs 
to feel valued and engaged with by the perinatal health professionals.

Our story

The DadPad was created because babies don’t come with a set of instructions, and dads told us that they wanted important information on what to expect and how to care for their baby. We listened to what dads, their partners and processionals asked for, and combined it all in the DadPad.

The DadPad was developed and piloted by the team at Inspire Cornwall CIC in 2012. As a community interest company, with no shareholders, we put back any profit that we make and feedback that we receive into our products, improving our existing resources and developing new ones.

Our Story

Strategic Partners

We’re also supported and advised by a whole host of experts from a range of disciplines – with a winning combination of professional expertise and lived experience – which help us ensure that our products, resources and advice are always the very best that they can be.

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